Dead Cosmonauts

...debut album Parasomnia OUT NOW...
... or follow streaming links below...


Catastrophes that once only haunted our nightmares have become terrifying realities that relentlessly shake and shatter the very foundation of our lives, leaving us paralysed in fear and uncertainty.

Is this collapse real or am I just dreaming? Dead Cosmonauts, like the revered shamans, priests & holy seers of ancient times, search for wisdom & comfort in a fractured, new vision. ‘Parasomnia’ offers an epic auditory journey into possible futures as well as revealing a powerful cautionary warning.

...About Us...

Dead Cosmonauts chart epic sonic soundscapes in an uninterrupted, captivating performance. They present a rich blend of soaring post-rock, meditative post-metal and brooding doom exploring the full emotional spectrum these genres have to offer.

We have just recorded our first full length album ‘Parasomnia’ (recorded by Adam Zejma [Tie Dye Tapes/Naisian], mastered by Magnus Lindberg [Cult of Luna]) which is to be released in early November 2023.


